Temple Festivals

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Temple Festivals in South India are some of the most anticipated, elaborate and popular celebrations. It is a golden occasion for social gatherings and an opportunity to celebrate, for the thousands of devotees around the temple and the communities involved. They are truly brilliant and diverse when it comes to the events. Most of the temple festivals last a few days showcasing a variety of activities. There are elaborate rituals and religious processions involving decorated elephants, mega music accompaniment, dances and cultural performances that last an entire night. The premises of the temples are always colourfully illuminated and decorated.

There are different deitys associated with each temple. Based in that the festivals can include specific rituals, prayers and offerings. There are also huge processions with the deity’s idol carried on ornate palanquins or chariots. There is no scarcity for activities during a temple festival. Traditional music is played by local musicians mixed with dance performances and  feasting, followed by brilliant fireworks.

These festivals vary widely across regions, each having its individual customs, traditions and importance.Temple Festivals are a highly recommended. Can be included in your travel itinerary.